My name is Shea’Mia Harrell. I am an always learning writer. Through the years of my life I have grown from someone who had little interest in writing books, to someone who has self-published my first book and has a few more in the works. The first book is published, but I am still working on marketing. Like most creatives, the business side is a hurdle I struggle to leap.
With this website, I hope to impart information about the trials I have faced in this journey the end of which I don’t see. None of my writing here is to be taken as the most knowledgeable out there. It is how I view the process. What I have learned is through research, trial and error, and years of writing stories which I doubt will become books, but which were practice and an opportunity to learn how not to write, as well as how to write.
I do not claim to know all there is to know. I do not even claim to know half of all there is to know. I am a continuing student in this art form. What I do claim is to have been struggling through this process, making my own opinions based on authors I have read and my own failed attempts. I, therefore, have a view that might help others who are going through a similar struggle.
This website and blog might have to be reorganized and reworded as I learn. You are welcome to come along for the ride. It might get bumpy. I hope it will be fun. Most of all, I hope it will help, at least a little. If it brings a ray of hope to someone, a sense of direction to another, or even a smile or two, I will feel the site has accomplished something.
Thank you for lending me your time as you read.
If you know someone who might benefit or simply find enjoyment from my blog, please, spread the word.