Let me start this post by giving my readers a little bit of background on myself. I was raised by an English Major. As such, my reading, writing, and grammar quickly excelled beyond my grade level, despite dyslexia. It was never forced on me, beyond the normal childhood concept of preferring to go play rather […]
Tag: Writing Tools
“Knock, Knock Neo” or “Neo2 Review”
I would like to share with my readers about a beautiful writing tool. Now, understand that when I say ‘beautiful’ I am not talking about aesthetics. I suppose it could be considered sleek, but really, it is just a small screen and a keyboard with the minute amount of memory that is required by a […]
“What’s in a Name?” Or “Naming Your Characters.”
How much attention do you give to naming your characters? Let me put it this way. How much time or energy would you put into naming a child? Many people name their children after some member of the family, but which member, which child? For those who want something different, there are books upon books […]
“Top 5 Motivation Tips for Writing.” or “Keep those doggies rollin'”
Ok. Let’s just come out and say it. Writing is romanticized, no ifs, ands, or buts. It’s a fact. It isn’t all sunshine and roses, and most people won’t make enough off of their writing to be able to hide away in a cabin in the woods or an English country house, in order to […]
“Seeing the forest for the trees” or “Outlining.”
In a previous post, “Evil Schemes”, I spoke on the importance of inspiration and supported something of a balance between that and planning. I am now writing a post on the benefit of outlining. Outlining, yuck. Right? That has been my opinion since I learned about outlines. I would like to say right now; I […]
“Decisions, Decision, Decisions.” Or “Writing Options.”
Whether you have plenty of free time in which to get your thoughts down or you have only a few minutes here and there, an important consideration is this… How are you going to get your thoughts down? Your amount of free time will help you with this decision. It is one of many variables. […]
What in the World?” or “What about Worldbuilding?”
I want to start with a disclaimer. Please understand anyone or any post I mention are only those I intend to mention, and agreement on one point does not constitute agreement on all points. I also do not, of necessity, agree with other blogs that are promoted on the blogs I mention. If I promote […]
“Sweat it Out and Don’t Sweat it” or “Writing Exercises.”
I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. Writing exercises have, for years, simply annoyed me; annoyed me, made me a little angry, and felt useless. What was the point? I wasn’t writing something I would actually use. It felt like the people giving me the writing exercises were just playing games with me. Who […]
“Evil Schemes” or “About Plotting and Worldbuilding: Non-Technical Overview.”
What goes into creating the world in which a story takes place? I’m not going to go into technical descriptions. I will not be using precise methods or terminology. I want this to be as simple as possible for those who like things to come as they come and write as the inspiration hits them. […]
“Can You Stand on Your Soapbox?” or “Character Quirks Vs. Physical Traits.”
There are people who might tell you that a quirk is a physical feature that stands out. Don’t listen to them. At the risk of sounding like I am going off on a rant, let me give you a logical explanation. If you go to Merriam-Webster.com you will find… Definition of quirk (Entry 1 of […]