I’m going to open with a question. Which character’s point of view is most important when plotting a story? I wonder how many of my readers would say “The Protagonist, of course.” I know I have already discussed this, but it really is something so important that it bears another look. I am going to […]
Tag: Support: Mentors, Family, and Friends
“If You Want it Done Right” or “Editing Pt 2”
I would like to expound a little on the subject of my previous post; editing. Let me jump right in. One of the things that a writer might not consider is the ever true ‘clichéd’ rule: “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.” This is not to say that you […]
“Book Titles” Or “Has Anyone Told You, You Look Just Like …”
If you’ve read my blog post “What’s in a Name” you realize naming your characters can be a matter of some importance. Yet, with all that, there is a name you have to consider which makes the importance of character names pale in comparison. This name is for your book. I tell you this from […]
“I Dream of Dragons” or “My First Anthology”
Hello, my readers. Today, I think I’m going to discuss a little detour I have made in my writing experience. As I discussed in the post about “Mentors, Family, and Friends“, support in your writing journey is very important. My circle of fellow writers is not very broad. In fact, I personally know, outside of […]
“Top 5 Motivation Tips for Writing.” or “Keep those doggies rollin'”
Ok. Let’s just come out and say it. Writing is romanticized, no ifs, ands, or buts. It’s a fact. It isn’t all sunshine and roses, and most people won’t make enough off of their writing to be able to hide away in a cabin in the woods or an English country house, in order to […]
“Pickax to cut cloth.” or “Using your friends wisely.”
While outlining “The Holders…” I found better places for character introductions and discovered plot holes before they were written out. Because I got a big picture view and made sure I saw the forest instead of just one tree, I was able to talk some of these plot holes through. This was with someone who […]
“Seeing the forest for the trees” or “Outlining.”
In a previous post, “Evil Schemes”, I spoke on the importance of inspiration and supported something of a balance between that and planning. I am now writing a post on the benefit of outlining. Outlining, yuck. Right? That has been my opinion since I learned about outlines. I would like to say right now; I […]
“What is a Picture Worth?” Or “Illustration Woes”
Let’s face it, we are not all Bob Ross. Even if we can visualize the scene our words suggest, it doesn’t mean we can take that scene from our minds and put it onto paper in the form of an illustration unless we are some of those multi-talented creatives. Odds are, we won’t do so […]
“Learning and Resources” or “I know nothing, nothing, nothing.”
I can hear it now. “Just do it” This is what I told as I tried to accomplish, not just in writing but in life in general. This came from people I asked for advice, steps, and best practices. How do I do it without falling flat on my face and not knowing why? The […]
“Who’s Driving This Thing?” or “What Drives Your Writing?”
If you are writing for the fame, the money, or the glory; to be a famous writer like Stephen King (horror), Eve Bunting (children’s books), Jane Austin (romance), or Terry Brooks (fantasy), let me something tell you right now. The odds are you will fail. Those are not, necessarily, things that will get you through […]