Follow the author as she addresses writer’s block due to perspective changes and provides a technique and mindset changes to confront this obstacle to creative flow.
Tag: Shea’Mia Harrell
“Antagonist vs Protagonist point of view.” or “The Butterfly Effect.” Part 2
This post is a continuation of my last post (The Butterfly Effect Pt 1), where I discussed the importance of the antagonists point of view. I posed the consideration that the protagonist’s Point of View (POV) can be nearly powerless without that of the antagonist. I gave an example from my current (main) work in […]
“Antagonist vs Protagonist point of view.” or “The Butterfly Effect.” Part 1
I’m going to open with a question. Which character’s point of view is most important when plotting a story? I wonder how many of my readers would say “The Protagonist, of course.” I know I have already discussed this, but it really is something so important that it bears another look. I am going to […]
“What is Your Story Worth to You?” or “Editing and Grammar”
Let me start this post by giving my readers a little bit of background on myself. I was raised by an English Major. As such, my reading, writing, and grammar quickly excelled beyond my grade level, despite dyslexia. It was never forced on me, beyond the normal childhood concept of preferring to go play rather […]
“I Dream of Dragons” or “My First Anthology”
Hello, my readers. Today, I think I’m going to discuss a little detour I have made in my writing experience. As I discussed in the post about “Mentors, Family, and Friends“, support in your writing journey is very important. My circle of fellow writers is not very broad. In fact, I personally know, outside of […]
“What’s in a Name?” Or “Naming Your Characters.”
How much attention do you give to naming your characters? Let me put it this way. How much time or energy would you put into naming a child? Many people name their children after some member of the family, but which member, which child? For those who want something different, there are books upon books […]
“Top 5 Motivation Tips for Writing.” or “Keep those doggies rollin'”
Ok. Let’s just come out and say it. Writing is romanticized, no ifs, ands, or buts. It’s a fact. It isn’t all sunshine and roses, and most people won’t make enough off of their writing to be able to hide away in a cabin in the woods or an English country house, in order to […]
“Pickax to cut cloth.” or “Using your friends wisely.”
While outlining “The Holders…” I found better places for character introductions and discovered plot holes before they were written out. Because I got a big picture view and made sure I saw the forest instead of just one tree, I was able to talk some of these plot holes through. This was with someone who […]
5 Movies for Valentine’s Day: Good Viewing for Writers.
It will soon be that time again when everything is flowers, roses, chocolates, and romance. Whether you have a significant other or are going stag this year, many of us tend to turn our thoughts to the idea of love, but who says love is only about romance? Here are five movies that involve romance […]
“Not Enough Time on My Hands.” Or “Finding Time to Write.”
How do you find time to write? Well, this seems to be something that comes up a lot as I’m reading blogs and books on writing. It has been something that has been a problem for me because when I write, I really get into the world I am trying to make and once I […]