There are many stories about the process of becoming a published author. Some are horror stories and some are fairy tales. The horror stories tell you that there is no way that you will get published; that you can’t get what you want done with your book. If you want to be self-published, the horror […]
Tag: Self/Indie Publishing
“Who’s Driving This Thing?” or “What Drives Your Writing?”
If you are writing for the fame, the money, or the glory; to be a famous writer like Stephen King (horror), Eve Bunting (children’s books), Jane Austin (romance), or Terry Brooks (fantasy), let me something tell you right now. The odds are you will fail. Those are not, necessarily, things that will get you through […]
5 Reasons I Love Being a Self-Published Author
Welcome back or welcome for the first time. If this is your first time, please explore my blog/website and have fun. Whichever applies to you, I have worked up a top 5 list for you. Hope you enjoy. With no further ado, here are ‘5 reasons I love being a self-published author’, in no particular […]
“Publicity, and Blogging, and Marketing, Oh My!” or “The Trials of Getting Your Book Noticed and Bought.”
Let me start off with these points: 1. I am self-published on a budget (no budget), therefore, I have no professional backing for publicity and marketing. 2. I am not good with internet stuff. 3. I have had no training or experience with this sort of thing. 4. I am the unprepared protagonist setting out […]