Ok. Let’s just come out and say it. Writing is romanticized, no ifs, ands, or buts. It’s a fact. It isn’t all sunshine and roses, and most people won’t make enough off of their writing to be able to hide away in a cabin in the woods or an English country house, in order to […]
Tag: Holders
“Pickax to cut cloth.” or “Using your friends wisely.”
While outlining “The Holders…” I found better places for character introductions and discovered plot holes before they were written out. Because I got a big picture view and made sure I saw the forest instead of just one tree, I was able to talk some of these plot holes through. This was with someone who […]
“What a Character.” Or “Character Building: Inspiration Vs. Planning.”
I wonder if anyone is beginning to notice a theme in some of my posts. I keep coming back to this matter because the consideration of inspiration versus planning is important to any creative endeavor. As I am going along on my writing journey, I, as could be expected, have come across both. Therefore, let […]
What in the World?” or “What about Worldbuilding?”
I want to start with a disclaimer. Please understand anyone or any post I mention are only those I intend to mention, and agreement on one point does not constitute agreement on all points. I also do not, of necessity, agree with other blogs that are promoted on the blogs I mention. If I promote […]
“Here we go ‘round the mulberry bush” or “My different writing trials pt.2”
In one of my previous posts, I said that I have two other books that I consider “properly in the works.” This post is to follow up on that concept. Hold on to your hats. Let me start with the children’s book first. I have a full concept and a basic plot. All I have […]
Happy Villaintines: Give Your Villain Some Love.
How much work do we give to the protagonist or hero? “A lot, duh.” You say? “The hero is who the story is about.”That is what I would have said not too long ago. If everyone else is a supporting character to the hero or protagonist, then I should give the most attention and character […]