Let me start this post by giving my readers a little bit of background on myself. I was raised by an English Major. As such, my reading, writing, and grammar quickly excelled beyond my grade level, despite dyslexia. It was never forced on me, beyond the normal childhood concept of preferring to go play rather […]
Tag: Goals
Reviewing Self-published Children’s Books with Submission Guidelines
Those of my readers who write children’s books have probably noticed a difficulty in obtaining reviews because many book bloggers don’t seem interested in children’s books, or willing to take requests even if they do review children’s books. How exactly is a new children’s book author supposed to get reviews when they need reviews to […]
“Not Enough Time on My Hands.” Or “Finding Time to Write.”
How do you find time to write? Well, this seems to be something that comes up a lot as I’m reading blogs and books on writing. It has been something that has been a problem for me because when I write, I really get into the world I am trying to make and once I […]
“Learning and Resources” or “I know nothing, nothing, nothing.”
I can hear it now. “Just do it” This is what I told as I tried to accomplish, not just in writing but in life in general. This came from people I asked for advice, steps, and best practices. How do I do it without falling flat on my face and not knowing why? The […]
“Here we go ‘round the mulberry bush” or “My different writing trials pt.1”
In some of my posts, I have mentioned books that I am currently working on. I have decided to write about these books in a little more detail rather than generally. I have heard that some people enjoy this, and I personally think it might help people to see how the process works or doesn’t […]
“Opportunities and Obstacles.” or “Perfectionism.”
Perfectionism can be a great benefit and a great trial at any given time. Writing and illustrations are no exceptions. I read and reread the text of my written works trying to make sure the story is conveyed clearly, that punctuation is correct, that the story flows, that the characters are acting in character, that… I […]
“Fairy Tales and Horror Stories” or “What’s your success?” Pt. 3 “Reality and success.”
You have heard about the horror stories and the fairy tales in Part 1 and Part 2 of this three part series. Now, let’s cover more about the truth and about success. So… horror stories or fairy tales? Both can be true. Both can be false. Where does the majority of truth fall? I have […]
“Who’s Driving This Thing?” or “What Drives Your Writing?”
If you are writing for the fame, the money, or the glory; to be a famous writer like Stephen King (horror), Eve Bunting (children’s books), Jane Austin (romance), or Terry Brooks (fantasy), let me something tell you right now. The odds are you will fail. Those are not, necessarily, things that will get you through […]
“It Just Takes One Little Spark” or “What Starts the Flame of a Story?”
What is inspiration for stories or books in general? People seem to be interested in the inspiration behind their favorite books. So, I will try to address this question again. If you are curious about what I had to say when I touched on this subject before, visit ‘I Have a Tale to Tell’. How […]