Author: Gear and Pen

“Sweat it Out and Don’t Sweat it” or “Writing Exercises.”

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. Writing exercises have, for years, simply annoyed me; annoyed me, made me a little angry, and felt useless. What was the point? I wasn’t writing something I would actually use. It felt like the people giving me the writing exercises were just playing games with me. Who […]

“Here we go ‘round the mulberry bush” or “My different writing trials  pt.1”

In some of my posts, I have mentioned books that I am currently working on. I have decided to write about these books in a little more detail rather than generally. I have heard that some people enjoy this, and I personally think it might help people to see how the process works or doesn’t […]

“Evil Schemes” or “About Plotting and Worldbuilding: Non-Technical Overview.”

What goes into creating the world in which a story takes place? I’m not going to go into technical descriptions. I will not be using precise methods or terminology. I want this to be as simple as possible for those who like things to come as they come and write as the inspiration hits them. […]