I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. Writing exercises have, for years, simply annoyed me; annoyed me, made me a little angry, and felt useless. What was the point? I wasn’t writing something I would actually use. It felt like the people giving me the writing exercises were just playing games with me. Who […]
Author: Gear and Pen
“Here we go ‘round the mulberry bush” or “My different writing trials pt.1”
In some of my posts, I have mentioned books that I am currently working on. I have decided to write about these books in a little more detail rather than generally. I have heard that some people enjoy this, and I personally think it might help people to see how the process works or doesn’t […]
“Opportunities and Obstacles.” or “Perfectionism.”
Perfectionism can be a great benefit and a great trial at any given time. Writing and illustrations are no exceptions. I read and reread the text of my written works trying to make sure the story is conveyed clearly, that punctuation is correct, that the story flows, that the characters are acting in character, that… I […]
“Evil Schemes” or “About Plotting and Worldbuilding: Non-Technical Overview.”
What goes into creating the world in which a story takes place? I’m not going to go into technical descriptions. I will not be using precise methods or terminology. I want this to be as simple as possible for those who like things to come as they come and write as the inspiration hits them. […]
“Fairy Tales and Horror Stories” or “What’s your success?” Pt. 3 “Reality and success.”
You have heard about the horror stories and the fairy tales in Part 1 and Part 2 of this three part series. Now, let’s cover more about the truth and about success. So… horror stories or fairy tales? Both can be true. Both can be false. Where does the majority of truth fall? I have […]
“Fairy Tales and Horror Stories” or “What’s your success?” Pt. 2: “The Fairy Tales.”
In my last post, I covered the horror stories that are told about becoming an author. Now, for the flip side. There are fairy tales that say you are going to make thousands, even millions, off of your book because you have a good idea, you write well, and there are many self-publishing services that […]
“Fairy Tales and Horror Stories.” or “What is Your Success? Pt. 1: “Oh, the horrors.”
There are many stories about the process of becoming a published author. Some are horror stories and some are fairy tales. The horror stories tell you that there is no way that you will get published; that you can’t get what you want done with your book. If you want to be self-published, the horror […]
“Who’s Driving This Thing?” or “What Drives Your Writing?”
If you are writing for the fame, the money, or the glory; to be a famous writer like Stephen King (horror), Eve Bunting (children’s books), Jane Austin (romance), or Terry Brooks (fantasy), let me something tell you right now. The odds are you will fail. Those are not, necessarily, things that will get you through […]
“Can You Stand on Your Soapbox?” or “Character Quirks Vs. Physical Traits.”
There are people who might tell you that a quirk is a physical feature that stands out. Don’t listen to them. At the risk of sounding like I am going off on a rant, let me give you a logical explanation. If you go to Merriam-Webster.com you will find… Definition of quirk (Entry 1 of […]
“It Just Takes One Little Spark” or “What Starts the Flame of a Story?”
What is inspiration for stories or books in general? People seem to be interested in the inspiration behind their favorite books. So, I will try to address this question again. If you are curious about what I had to say when I touched on this subject before, visit ‘I Have a Tale to Tell’. How […]