About Me

Shea’Mia Harrell

I am a writer in the fantasy genre. Well, mostly. I am a multi-passionate writer with a strong leaning towards fantasy. Want to know more? Keep reading.

Writing was a passion of mine even before I chose to put pen (more often pencil) to paper. I loved to make up adventures for myself as is often the case with children. I never outgrew the desire to create these stories. As I matured, I simply began learning to make the stories something others might want to experience as well.

I actually started writing novels, but when it comes to publishing my debut book was a children’s picture book titled Boys Will Be Boys. I now have several other children’s books in various stages of preparation for publishing. The novels are a bit more shy apparently. I have several of them running around in my head but they are resistant to being put down on paper. My goal is to have my first novel published by the end of 2025, but we will see.

The same as any other artist, I must fight through times of doubt. The thing that pulls me through those tough times, when I feel my writing just isn’t good enough, is my love of writing. Obviously, it isn’t something my inner critic can squash.

It is a beautiful journey whether I travel through the dark, labyrinthian caves of doubt, or looking out over the verdant land of interested readers. The important part of the writing journey is to remember to find the wonder.