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Thank you for visiting my website.
Since, I believe in simplicity, let’s make this simple. This page is mostly for the purpose of getting you where you need to go. Follow the menu above or click on the buttons below to start your journey.
Who am I and what has my journey been to get me to this point? That information is on the “About Me” page.
If you are looking for a background on the purpose of this blog/website, what some people call a mission statement, head on over to my “Why I Do What I Do” page.
If you are interested in my thoughts on and experiences in writing, my blog is the place for you to go. It has two sections. The first is for general writing, including novels. The second is just about children’s books.
I have written reviews on some of the books I have read. Read the reviews here.
Obviously, as an author I will have books of my own I have written. You can find them and other items on my products page.
No website is complete without a way to contact the author.